Wednesday, 11 February 2009

The President of Europe

I was about to write about my car but I got a bit of a rush of blood about Tony Blair. This obnoxious man is in the news again because he has [a] been discussing with President Obama the matter of God and his place in the life of Tony Blair and [b] his wish to be the first president of all Europe - a sort of latter day Holy Roman Emperor. Blair has few redeeming qualities. Without doubt, to my mind, he is the worst prime minister in my life time. There are some who believe that he and Bush should be charged with war crimes for what they have done in Iraq and in particular their by-passing the Geneva Convention in order to allow prisoners to be tortured. Blair is a man who makes me ashamed of being British - almost ashamed of being a human-being. Even when the man speaks with sincerity, he still sounds like a liar. At best his ever-so-humble, arrogant, self-righteous, patronising and slightly slippery delivery always puts me in mind of Uriah Heap in David Copperfield. Am I insulting Blair with my bigotry? I don't think so. The catalogue of his 10 years in office is one of maladministration, of destruction of our liberties, of government waste, of destruction of democracy, of cow-tailing to George Bush, of hypocrisy and incompetence.
If Blair becomes president of Europe, we must be allowed his promised vote on the European Constitution - or Lisbon Treaty as it is now known - so that we can vote ourselves out of this Tower of Babel.

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