Today, the state Pension office sent official confirmation that my pension from 1st April will be £139.45. This includes my state second pension, which, the government has decided will not be increased in line with the rules. Only the base rate will be increased by the statutory 2½%. This piece of slight of hand will reduce my pension by 2½p per week. If I had had a full state second pension the reduction would have been a whole 6p per week. This scratching money from the hands of pensioners is so typical of this government. They have spent billions bailing out the finance industry only to see the money going straight into the inflated pockets of ridiculously overpaid bankers and done nothing about it. But grab pennies from the hands of pensioners they do without a moments hesitation. To those that have shall be given; to those that have not, it shall be taken away. Not content with having the worst state pensions in Europe they will nibble away at the payouts so that pensions become less and less in real terms. Of course, it will have minimal direct effect on them because everyone in Whitehall has a generous pension scheme, inflation proof and guaranteed by tax-payers.
In three months time this shower will be seeking re-election. And the only alternative is call me Dave and his Old Etonians - men, who to a man [or a woman] have no idea what living on a state pension actually means. Just to make things worse, they are now chasing their economic policies round and round in ever decreasing circles - and who knows where they will come to a halt. They inspire confidence that will precipitate a disaster if they are elected.
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