Well Blair has had another go on the stage of politics and, as I expected, he has got away with it. I am talking, of course about his appearance at the Chilcot Enquiry. He spent 6 hours before the inquisitors on Friday and told us nothing. He was allowed, over and over again to ignore questions that were asked and allowed, instead, to answer questions which he wanted to answer. This committee are really and truly not up to the job. They are all Establishment figures who will not rock the applecart. Even now, out the back, the minions are mixing the buckets of whitewash that will be needed in the end to be painted all over the conclusions. This is not a court of law, Sir John Chilcot has told us. You can say that again. I have heard many more forceful cross-examinations in a student's union. Only the former ambassador, Sir Rodericn Lyne has shown any serious wish to ask real questions but even he still allowed Blair to slither away. This preposterous mountebank, this hypocrite, this deluded man, this actor-manager, this most appalling of prime ministers admitted no mistakes, no regrets and confirmed that he would do the same again. So now, by his own admission, he is a fool as well. He may feel that he has to answer to no one but God but that is a measure of his delusion. I still think he is the worst prime minister in my lifetime and probably much longer. I still dislike him as I have always disliked him. He is a man of no real principles and he still stays in my mind as Uriah Heep - ever so humble but completely untrustworthy..
He will not be dragged before a criminal court. He should be - but he will not. All we can hope is that his place in history will not be elevated. He was prime minister for 10 years. The Iraq war and his support of the US government was the peak of his failures but he failed on matters of civil liberties, on social policy and on education. It will take many a year to unravel the harm that he did nationally and internationally.
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