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How many times can I say that the government of this country is absolutely useless and that the Blair/Brown incarnation is the worst in my lifetime? It is not just that they have been useless and incompetent but that they have been [and still are] expensively useless and incompetent. Not satisfied with the 3,500 new laws [it may have increased by now - that figure is a few months old] that they have introduced, they press on undeterred with yet more legislative rubbish. Now they want every adult, who gives the neighbour's kids a lift to a Saturday morning football game or daily to their school, to be vetted to confirm that they are not potential child abusers. Fail to register and transgressors could be subjected to a fine of £5,000. Presumably this fine will only be possible if we have government spies checking up on vetting evaders. This ludicrous idea will already have cost money via meetings in Whitehall, minutes of meetings, memos and draft documents and, if it goes ahead, it will cost millions to administer. The majority who are faced with this rubbish will just say "No" and many activities will disappear. Who will want to work with children in any capacity if we start from the assumption that we are a nation of child abusers. Already, I keep well away from children. I am a single man approaching 70 who in the minds of the idiots responsible for this current initiative will believe that I am but a dirty mac away from child abuse. So if anyone's child falls over in the street he or she will stay there untouched by my helping hand. Yesterday, we had an Open Day in our recreation centre in Tilgate Forest - on the south side of Crawley. Many organisations in the centre encourage young children to take part in martial arts, dancing, theatre etc. The picture above shows one group photographed with Crawley's Deputy Mayor last year. With the new proposals the numbers of people that will have to be registered and vetted to get children to and from these clubs and then to supervise and train them while they are there is quite incredible and many will just politely decline; much to the detriment of our society. Unlike overpaid bankers these people are all doing something socially very useful indeed.Why does the government embark on these projects? They have enough really serious matters to exercise the mind without divesions of this kind/
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