Friday, 11 September 2009

Big Legs Are Good For You

There is more to say on the subject of legs. A Professor Berit Heitmann of Copenhagen University has uncovered the information that men with big legs have less heart disease than men with thin legs. What made him embark on this particular bizarre piece of research I have no idea. Who were the men whose legs were measured? Were they all hospital patients or where they all athletes or ... what were they? He does not seem to differentiate between men with fat legs against men with muscular legs. Is he saying that muscular legs are no better than fat legs in warding off heart disease? I think we should be told.
This research should show that Bodybuilders have negligible chance of suffering heart disease because they have very big legs and mostly made up of muscle. I have no evidence that Bodybuilders suffer heart disease any more or any less than other people. It may be that other factors become important but as long as Bodybuilders are going to the gym and keeping fit they will be OK. Eric's mum thinks big muscular legs look good and if, at the same time, the owners are less likely to be sick, it must be a good thing.

Now, is there anything else that we need to know?

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