Sunday, 1 March 2009

A Corrupt Plutocracy

What is this country to come to? Throughout modern history the ruling classes have been fearful of the power of the people. After the French Revolution there was concern that revolt would spread to Britain. After the defeat of Napoleon, huge military forces were kept at the ready to suppress any discontent and riot among the poor and the unemployed. It was true throughout the reign of Victoria when working classes were exploited, living in attrocious conditions, with limited life expectancy. I think we now have a ruling elite that is again afraid of the people. How else can we explain the obsession with data bases, tracking people's movements and storing vast libraries of information on every human being in Britain from the tiniest child to the 90 year old pensioner - who just might be a terrorist. Has Britain become a true plutocracy - government by the rich. A land where power is a matter of wealth and privilege; where a corrupt and morally diseased government is kept in power by bribes and propaganda; where no statement delivered by government can be believed; where Parliament has lost all power and authority and does little more than endorse the actions of government; where a minority demands control of all people's lives by surveillance, data bases and spies; where a problem of terrorism has been used as a smoke-screen for the suppression of civil rights; where the very rich extract more and more of the wealth of ordinary people; where the very rich pay no taxes - unless they wish to do so. All around us there is the evidence of tightly knit networks of privilege; where government exerts a free, relaxed approach to regulation yet persecutes the mass of the people. It is a distasteful, remote, incompetent Ancien Regime that has grown up through gentle corruption and paranoia over the last 20 years. It has been the norm that people would let governments get on with governing and would not complain too much. They would have believe that governments may not have been very efficient but they were probably well-meaning. We cannot believe that any more. The people are coming to realise what they are losing and how our country is being ruled and destroyed; where millions are unemployed while cheap labour is brought from abroad to work for low wages to sustain the wealthy. In control, we have a sick, shameful, irresponsible, hypocritical plutocracy of government and financiers that has wrecked the country and is in denial of its own part in the worst financial disaster for more than a century.
In the past the struggles of governments have been with the working classes alone. Now the rulers are so remote, so entwined by the tentacles of the sick regime they have constructed that they fear the power of all of the people. The ordinary middles classes, the skilled working classes, the students and the educated unemployed will man the barricades. We may yet have a summer of discontent the like of which no government has seen in many a year.

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