Thursday, 15 December 2011

Chirac Guilty

I am updating this post because I have done a bit more investigating of the extraordinary circumstances of the prosecution in the French Court of the former president Jacques Chirac.  Chirac was in court on Thursday 15th December and he was found guilty of diverting public funds and abusing public trust.  He was given a suspended gaol sentence which seems to be the norm for corrupt politicians in France.  This man, working at the heart of French politics for the best part of fifty years, was a sleaze ball and crook who was kept for years at state expense, living a life of luxury.  The object of this prosecution relates to his time as Mayor of Paris yet it has taken years to get into a court.  During his time as Mayor he diverted money to his political party the RPR in payment for jobs that did not exist.  The 79 year old former president will not appeal he said, because he is too weak.  In this extraordinary trial, the prosecution — apparently acting under pressure from President Sarkozy — repeatedly urged the judges to find Chirac not guilty and acquit him of all charges.  The action of the judges in ignoring this advice, is, if nothing else, a condemnation of the French prosecution service.  In what kind of court does the prosecution urge that the defendant be found not guilty?
It is said that Chirac is popular in France — why?  Maybe its because he is no longer in power and everyone must be thankful of that.  What is it about France that makes them like crooks and slime balls as potential holders of high office — I am thinking of ............ well there are quite a few possibilities.  Our politicians may not always be as squeaky clean as we would like but they are not this bad.

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