Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Population Growth

A report published today by a team from Leeds University has told us something which appears blindingly obvious but which gains from getting academic respectability. The report says that by the time of the census in 2051 the UK will have a population of 78 million of whom 20% will be of "ethnic minorities". The growth in population will be mainly via immigration and by the higher birth rates in these immigrant populations, encouraged by alien religions. For the most part, lets face it, the immigrants will be from third world, mainly Muslim, countries. By the time of the 2051 census I will have been long dead and that must be counted as a blessing. Already it is difficult to recognise the country that I was born into and which I wanted to live in. The whole island becomes more and more crowded and the Islamification continues day by day. There will be those who welcome this "diversification" as they view our islands from their private Cloud-Cuckooland through darkened rose-tinted glasses but they are the same people who would not recognise reality if it were to hit them with the force of a pile-driver. The alien culture of Islam will divide these incomers from the indigenous population for as long as it takes to persuade them to give up their nonsensical dogmas. When it come to religion, I am with Richard Dawkins.
Our islands are over-crowded although the welcoming committees will point to the wide-open spaces in the Scottish Highlands and the Welsh mountains. And ultimately, those will be the only places to live as we abandon the rest to the migrants. It is a thoroughly depressing picture. It is notable that this new report has come just a day or two after a report that tried to draw attention to the problem of world population and the simple problems of feeding people and providing other essential resources - water and energy. This report talks about the demands on the planet being made by the ever rising tides of people - demands that, in many ways, lie at the root of mass migrations taking place every day. Britain is, the report tells us, incapable of meeting the needs of its people from Britain's own resources unless we reduce the population to 15 million. So our population is four times too high and we are planning - no, that is not the right word - we are prepared to allow the population to grow to 78 million. And what is our - or any other government - proposing to do about it? Nothing, that is the answer. Only China has tried to control population and many of those who ignore population growth tell us how bad the China model is. But the world cannot go on ignoring the destruction of the planet by an every growing human population that destroys everything else. The atmosphere is polluted, climate change is a fact as the world warms; the fauna and flora on every continent are threatened with extinction; we are short of oil, minerals, wood; even the seas and oceans are dying, over-fished and polluted with garbage and sewage.
I want to live for many years yet into what I hope will be a healthy old age but I feel depressed about the prospects for the coming generations - victims of government mismanagements and neglect - presented with problems which others should have solved many years before they were born.

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