Saturday, 19 December 2009

Failure in Copenhagen

So the Copenhagen Climate Conference is at an end. I expected it to achieve very little but the final days have exceeded my expectations. Vast numbers of people have attended a conference that generated tonnes of CO2, cost buckets of money, was attended by the media from every country in the world - all 192 of them - and, finally, the politicians have collectively achieved absolutely nothing. Many of our leaders have feet of clay - that's why we get into so many great difficulties - but this fiasco proves that all of them taken together couldn't run a jumble sale. They were there to save the planet. At the end all they were interested in was producing a document that saved their skins and one that could be passed around to be paraded as a document of substance when in reality it is no more than fish & chip wrapping paper.
The numbers attending from the start guaranteed that next to nothing would be achieved - based on the old adage that the amount achieved at any meeting is inversely proportional to the numbers attending. But we have to ask, what do the idiots think global warming actually means? Do they think that they can make a few extra corrections later on if they get it wrong - and before the next election in any democracy so that they can hoodwink the electorate into voting for them?
This conference has been on the horizon for ages and 2 years have been spent on preparatory work and yet they have achieved so little that many newspapers and the BBC could find nothing to say. It seems that this conference has been a shambles throughout with the UN and the Danes unable even to organise the catering. What happens now?
Environmentalist George Monbiot has been in Copenhagen and his comments on his blog should be read in full at Under "Scramble for the Atmosphere" read just how appalling this total waste of time has been. As I said, I am not surprised by the outcome but I am still disgusted. I wanted the politicians to prove me wrong but, no, they performed to type demonstrating only their representation of the short term self-interest of the lobbyists. Throughout much of the history of the human race it is commerce and the rich that have controlled everything to the detriment of ordinary people. Now they have gone to the final countdown selling off the human race for their own selfish greed.
I don't know how bad the effects of climate change will be but I am glad that I won't be around to find out. Perhaps this is what motivates the politicians to behave in the way that they do?

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