It is past mid-day Saturday, 3rd October, and all the signs are that the Irish will have been successfully bullied into voting in favour of the EU Lisbon Treaty. This would make it certain that the politicians of the EU would be given the extra powers they need to run our lives and to appoint an un-elected president. This is typical of the democratic aberration that is the EU. It is corrupt, incompetent, wasteful, interfering and unnecessary. It is the quango to end all quangoes. The expenses scandals of our MPs are small beer when compared to the vast excesses of Europe. Now this Lisbon Treaty - the rejected constitution by another name - will be passed into law without any country, other than Ireland being allowed to vote on it. Too many votes on anything in the EU can lead to too many wrong answers.
Ireland has been overwhelmed by pressure applied by the EU and its officials and buckets of advertising in favour of this nasty document. But also, Ireland has severe financial problems resulting from over-extended banks and the credit crunch and now needs EU money to help with the recovery. In these circumstances, it was always likely that they would vote "yes" second time around - and they have squeezed some concessions out of Brussels.
How can anyone take seriously this corrupt monstrosity that is the EU? It creates jobs for Belgians but for years and years it has been unable to get any accountants to sign off its annual accounts because they are mired in corrupt payments and practices. And they get away with it - year after year. No company operating anywhere in the EU would be allowed to carry on trading year after year without submitting properly audited accounts - but the EU does. And no-one bothers.
Another aspect of the Lisbon treaty, which is at best is merely distasteful, is the suggest going the rounds that Tony Blair is likely to be appointed to be the first president. Apart from the fact that I do not believe that this slimy politician should be allowed ever again to impose his self-righteous hypocrisy on us, he will be appointed without a single person outside the Brussels cabal being allowed to offer an opinion or a vote. The new president will have a comfortable lifestyle - very important to Blair - with a salary of £270,000 per year and an expenses allowance of nearly £60,000 per year. When he leaves the job, he will get a golden good-bye of £500,000 and a pension of £57,000 per year - which added to his ex-PM's pension of £70,000 per year [inflation proof] - plus financing of his private office as an ex-PM. These and his other incomes should allow him and dear wife Cheri to continue to live in the luxury to which they have become accustomed. The only potential spanner in the works is that the EU may insist that he gives up his other money-making activities and that may be too much for this now exceedingly rich man.
Makes you think what a useful beast the European Union has become and why so many politicians think it is a wonderful thing. Peter Mandelson as an ex-EU commissioner was entitled to substantial pay-offs when he became Gordon Brown's Lord High Everything Else, - including a transitional allowance of £78,000 per year for 3 years and a pension of £31,000 per year. Without the EU how else could we guarantee the financial comfort of sacked, retired and temporarily unemployed MPs?
Why does no-one protest?
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