Monday, 8 June 2009

Labour Failures

Now is the early hours of Monday morning 7th June 2009 and we have just got in all the mainland results for the UK vote on the EU elections of 4th June. The Western Isles and Northern Ireland will declare their results tomorrow. As was long expected support for Labour has fallen and political commentators on the BBC Election Special have been fairly general in stating that this increases pressure on Gordon Brown and that he will have to go. It is ludicrous. The only credible leader that Labour has at this point is Gordon Brown. Many of the other suggested candidates are little more than sick jokes. If Labour are to recover in time for a General Election next year, their only hope is to unite behind Gordon Brown, tackle the real problems of the economy, MPs expenses and the total disillusionment of their traditional voters. But they must also address voter concerns on other matters or fringe parties will do well again at a General Election. Labour has lost votes - many votes - but the other major parties have not gained. Votes have gone to minority parties and most strikingly, the British National Party has gained 2 seats in Europe - and the financial boost that comes with their success.
Let us examine why things have happened. There is widespread disgust with the politics of the major parties - a plague on all your houses sums it up. Labour is in charge so the chaos and mess is down to them above all others, so they have taken the big knocks. But there is more. Gordon Brown has reneged on the promise made by Blair to give us a referendum on the European Constitution. This is because, the Labour apparatchiks tell us, the Lisbon Treaty is not "the Constitution", it is merely a tidying up exercise, changes nothing and so does not need a referendum. In truth, the Lisbon Treaty is virtually identical to the Constitution and we cannot have a referendum because we may give [probably will give] the wrong answer - and that in the EU is not permitted. Then there is Immigration. Not only has Labour not tackled the problem of legal Immigration, it has no idea of the magnitude of illegal Immigration. But Immigration is one of those non-topics that we are not allowed to discuss - as determined by the chattering liberals. It was so when Michael Howard tried to raise the issue in 2005. There are many people in Britain who are absolutely opposed to the present situation on immigration - and I am one of them. I want Immigration stopped. Not buried in spin-doctored statistics. I want it stopped. It is totally unacceptable that we have hoards of people from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa congregating along the French coast waiting to find an illegal way into Britain, when they will disappear into the black economy or if they get picked up they will be ferried through the courts over and over again - at our expense - before they are deported or allowed to stay. It must stop completely. I have seen Britain change from the country I grew up in to some monstrous megalopolis of multiple cultures speaking dozens of languages and divided into ghettos with boundaries that we do not cross. The BNP has won 2 seats in the European Parliament because there are many who want Immigration stopped. And listening to the sanctimonious nonsense spoken by the main parties it is clear that it will not be stopped until we have elected enough BNP councillors MEPs and, surely, MPs until the message sinks in. If saying that makes me a racist; then so be it. Labour has lost because the New Labour Party of Tony Blair has abandoned its traditional supporters and their concerns in favour of the tax fiddling super-rich. Unless it reverses that it will be dispatched into the oblivion it deserves. And correcting that is not just a matter of replacing Gordon Brown with some Blairite clone.

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